
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Episode 31 (S3.Ep1) Where There's Smoke...
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Aaaaannnnnd, we're back!
Welcome to Season 3 of Carrie On. Guys, shit just got real.
We have been thrilled to bring you the first 2 seasons of the show, but let's face it: Season 3 is where things really kick into gear. There are so many iconic episodes throughout the rest of the series, and episode 1 of season 3 starts things off with a four-alarm fire!
Join Alec, Kat, and first time (hilarious) guest Arvand as they take the ferry over to Staten Island for drinks, dancing, and a chance encounter with a silver fox.
Like us on Facebook!
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @carrieonpodcast
Follow Alec on Twitter and Instagram @aleckwells
Follow Kat on Twitter @_allhallowskat and on Instagram @allhallowskat
Follow Arvand on Instagram @arvandk

Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Episode 30 (S2.Ep18) Ex and the City
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
It's the end of an era. Carrie is finally letting go of Big (BWAHAHAHHA! Okay, sorry. We'll try to control our sarcastic laughter). Charlotte's letting go of her fear of horses after that Awful Thing that happened with Taddy. And Alec, Kat, Matthew Scott, and Daniel are letting go of season two of Carrie On. It was a rough and dirty road, but someone had to do it.
Listen as Matthew Scott, Daniel, and Kat share personal stories about Jennifer Lopez. Listen as the whole gang talks about their exes. LISTEN as Kat probably maybe uses a clip of Kreayshawn's "Gucci Gucci" for the second time on the podcast!
We love you guys. Until next season -- Carrie On.

Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Episode 29 (S2.Ep17) Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
Wednesday Mar 04, 2015
It's almost over.
Season 2 of Carrie On will be over before you know it! Only one more episode to go.
But we've got BIG-ger fish to fry right now. Like how hard it is to get over an ex (am I right ladies?). And how much fun it is to snag that affordable summer share in the Hamptons with your best girlfriends (am I RIGHT, ladies?)!
Listen in as Alec and Kat are BLESSED with the presence of a brand new Carrie On guest, the ridiculously funny Riley Rose Critchlow!
Enjoy the hell out of Riley's sketch comedy (with Carrie On regular Daniel Montgomery) here:
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @carrieonpodcast -- and if you haven't already, rate us on iTunes!

Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Episode 28 (S2.Ep16) Was It Good For You?
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Tuesday Feb 03, 2015
Have you been waiting all this time for a Carrie On episode where Alec and Kat discuss their high school keyboarding teachers? Well, the wait is over!
Okay - but thankfully Alec, Kat, and special guest matthew scott montgomery find their way to far more interesting topics in the 28th episode of our podcast. Like what they've decided to name Samantha's vagina (take a guess - you'll guess wrong).
Hop on board as we near the end of season two! Things are heating up, and we are loving the ride.
Follow guest matthew scott montgomery on Twitter @irobotyoujane and on Instagram @matthew_scott_montgomery
Watch him star in Trent and the Dark and Stormy Night here.
Follow Kat on Instagram @allhallowskat and on Twitter @_allhallowskat
Follow Alec on Instagram and Twitter @aleckwells

Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
Episode 27 (S2.Ep15) Shortcomings
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
Wednesday Jan 14, 2015
We were going to wait another week to release this episode, but oh -- OH!! OHHHHH! *Sorry.* Do you have a tissue?
Kat and Alec are back with another rip-roaring, side splitting guest appearance by Daniel Montgomery! Samantha's getting it on with Charlotte's brother, who is SURE to become a permanent fixture on the show. Miranda's weighing the pros and cons of dating a man who is divorced with a child (SPOILER ALERT: IT AIN'T GOOD). And Carrie's hanging on a little too long in a relationship with a man who can't hang on at all -- OHHHHHH, OHHHHHHH! *Sorry.* Can we have another tissue?
Check out Daniel's podcast (with Carrie On favorite matthew scott montgomery) WELCOME TO DEADCAST, free on iTunes
Laugh until you SCREAM with Daniel over at BFT Comedy and Mary Kate & Ashtray!
We love you.

Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Episode 26 (S2.Ep14) The Fuck Buddy
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Do you have a 'fuck buddy?' Carrie Bradshaw sure does, and when she calls, he comes running. Old habits die hard.
We all fall into old habits sometimes, but in many ways, this episode is about the gals discovering what happens when they abandon those habits to go outside their comfort zones. Samantha usually loves having a proverbial wall between herself and her sexual conquests, but decides to try something new. Miranda hates to be bossed around by a man - that is, unless it's in the bedroom: and however will she reconcile her feminist brain with THAT? Charlotte breaks tradition to speed up the journey to find 'the one,' only to have it blow up spectacularly in her face. And Carrie decides to take her fuck buddy out on dry land for a change. Boy oh boy, does that turn out to -- well, maybe you should just listen.
Alec and Kat are back with Carrie On's first episode of 2015 (though they recorded it in 2014!), and they are joined by Carrie On darling Jeremy Shane. Oh how we love Jeremy, and we know you will, too.
If you haven't heard Jeremy's other episodes, check out Episode 3 (Season 1, Episode 3: Bay of Married Pigs, and Episode 19 (Season 2, Episode 7: The Chicken Dance). Also, check him out on the hit series Not Looking, and at his YouTube channel.
Find Kat on Instagram @allhallowskat and on Twitter @_allhallowskat
Find Alec on Instagram and Twitter @aleckwells
Find Jeremy on Instagram and Twitter @totallyjeremy
And be sure to like us on Facebook, and to follow us on Twitter @carrieonpodcast!

Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Episode 25 (S2.Ep13) Games People Play
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Alec and Kat have been away for a bit GETTING ENGAGED and enjoying all of the lovely glow that comes along with it. We recorded this episode WAAAAAY back on October 3rd, so if you're missing Halloween/October at all, join us as we take you back in tiiiiiiiiime.
But really, enough about us. This is really about our girls. In this episode of SATC, Carrie just CAN'T stop talking about Big, and the girls are sick of it. Miranda engages in some flirty flashing with a mysterious neighbor. Samantha's sex life rests in the hands of various sports teams (say what?). And Charlotte, well...Charlotte doesn't have much to do in this episode.
Join Alec, Kat, and celebrity photographer Ricky Middlesworth (his second time on the show!) as they dive into this episode and Alec kills it as always with the one-liners (seriously, he even makes Ricky cackle like RuPaul at one point).
And don't worry, if you're itching to hear talk of Alec and Kat's engagement, they'll chat all about it on the next episode of Carrie On!
Follow Alec on Instagram and Twitter @aleckwells
Follow Kat on Instagram @allhallowskat and on Twitter @_allhallowskat
Follow Ricky on Instagram @rickymiddlesworth and be sure to check out his website www.rickymiddlesworth.com

Monday Sep 15, 2014
Episode 24 (S2.Ep12) La Douleur Exquise
Monday Sep 15, 2014
Monday Sep 15, 2014
Were we ever really in love with the idea of reviewing every single episode of Sex and the City for Carrie On? Or were we just addicted to the exquisite pain of wanting something so unattainable?
There's a lot going on in this episode. Charlotte kinks her hair and gets a new kind of foot massage. Samantha talks about sex and more sex and how sex is a healthy form of self expression. Sex. Miranda unwillingly becomes part of a peep show. Carrie finally pulls her heart off the table with Mr. Big for the last time (yeah right). And Stanford navigates the world of online...er...dating.
Matthew Scott Montgomery joins us for another scintillating episode of Carrie On!
Follow Alec on Instagram and Twitter @aleckwells
Follow Kat on Instagram @allhallowskat and on Twitter @_allhallowskat
Follow Matthew Scott on Instagram @matthew_scott_montgomery and on Twitter @irobotyoujane

Monday Sep 08, 2014
Episode 23 (S2.Ep11) Evolution
Monday Sep 08, 2014
Monday Sep 08, 2014
Hey, podcast listener! We've got a question for you: Are you a straight gay man? Or a gay straight man?
Tune in to this episode of Carrie On, with repeat offender Daniel Montgomery, to hear Carrie and the gals dissect human sexuality in the best way they know how!
Miranda considers freezing her eggs. Carrie considers Big's reluctance to let her leave ANYTHING at his place, Charlotte considers sleeping with a man she thinks must be gay, and Samantha considers...I mean...she's got a storyline or whatever. WHATEVER.
We've missed you and we're so excited to bring you this episode. Join us, won't you?

Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Episode 22 (S2.Ep10) The Caste System
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
Thursday Aug 21, 2014
YOU GUYS. You'll never guess who we just saw at The Ivy. Movie SUPERSTAR Wylie Ford! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
In this episode of Sex and the City, Charlotte decides to throw out all her sex and dating rules for an A-list celebrity - and who could blame her? He's dumb, but he's cute and famous. Carrie finally says 'I love you' to Mr. Big, but doesn't get the response she hoped for. Samantha dates a guy with a real live servant, and basically sees nothing wrong with that...which is pretty problematic. Right?
And Miranda. Oh, Miranda. She's given her heart to Steve, but sometimes even modern men of the 90's have a hard time seeing beyond the Caste System. We hate to see Miranda get her heart broken, but boy do we love to watch Cynthia Nixon cry...
Join Alec, Kat, and VERY special guest Clarke Wolfe for this pop culture-ific episode of Carrie On. It's a REALLY good one.
You can find Clarke on Instagram and Twitter @clarkewolfe
You can also listen to her wax intelligent about all things horror on The Bloodcast, free on iTunes - listen the same way you listen to Carrie On!
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