
Saturday May 07, 2016
Episode 41 (S3.Ep11) Running With Scissors
Saturday May 07, 2016
Saturday May 07, 2016
As the saying goes: If you run with scissors, you're gonna get burned...Or, you know, something like that.
Carrie is in the depths of her Big affair, and it's gonna take one SUUUUUPER busted face to yank her out of it. It's a tough train wreck to watch, but Alec and Kat have got to do it — and THANK GOD for Riley Rose Critchlow of BFT Comedy for joining them on this episode to help them get through it!
Watch the gender-swapping revelation that is Get Bent on the BFT Comedy YouTube page
Listen to Riley's previous appearance on Carrie On

Friday Apr 22, 2016
Episode 40 (S3.Ep10) All Or Nothing
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Do you hear that New York? WE HAVE IT ALL!
Including a married ex boyfriend we slept with a week ago (oops!).
Kat and Alec are THRILLED to be joined this episode by actress, mom, and overall amazing gal Heather Brooker, host of the Motherhood In Hollywood podcast! Listen in as Heather helps Alec and Kat navigate the sticky ground that is Carrie's continuing affair with Big by making them belly laugh more than they ever thought they would during these super heavy episodes.
Follow Heather on Twitter @HeatherBrooker
Follow Motherhood In Hollywood on Twitter @MIHPodcast
Follow us on Twitter @CarrieOnPodcast

Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Episode 39 (S3.Ep9): Easy Come, Easy Go
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
Sunday Mar 20, 2016
It's here...the day Alec has been dreading since the moment we started this podcast. It's time for CARRIE'S 'BIG' AFFAIR.
Thank GOD we've got Carrie On listener favorite Daniel Montgomery here to keep things light and fresh! Well, except for that funky spunk that just ain't gettin' un-funky, no matter how many wheatgrass shots we take. But we digress.
Pour yourself a Glenlivet, neat (or better yet, a red wine -- it's better for the heart), call up an old flame, and get ready to propose to yourself over a tomato basil salad as we dissect another great episode of Sex and the City!

Monday Feb 29, 2016
Episode 38 (S3.Ep8): The Big Time
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Before we get into talk of this episode, does anyone have a tampon? We have some at home, but they won't fit in our Kate Spade purse :/
Hi, Carrie-On-ers! We are so in love with our guest this week, Joe Gillette, that we might even go to second with him!
Oh, who are we kidding? We've already gone all the way with Joe, in two other episodes of the podcast. But that doesn't stop us from going REAL deep in this one (spoiler alert: virginity-loss stories ahoy!).
Join, Alec, Kat, and Joe as Charlotte starts falling hard for Trey, Miranda lets go of Steve, Samantha lets go of her dignity, and Carrie starts to lose sight of herself in the dense fog that is Mr. Big.

Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Episode 37 (S3.Ep7): Drama Queens
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Sunday Feb 14, 2016
Drama, drama, drama. Don't you just hate that word? We don't know about you, but it seems to us like the only people who even use that word are the people most prone to causing it. But we digress.
Carrie Bradshaw is (surprise, surprise) freaking out. Why? Because things with Aiden are PERFECT. This episode is where the water starts to boil as we head toward what Alec calls the "Bog of Eternal Stench" -- Carrie's affair with Big.
Join Alec, Kat, and Carrie On butt buddy Matthew Scott Montgomery as we deconstruct the ins and outs of Viagra, devious husbands, and, yes......SKIDMARKS. Also, this is the first episode the gang recorded since Alec and Kat's wedding, so you'll have to suffer through WEDDING TALK. UGH.
Love you guysssssssssssss

Friday Jan 22, 2016
Episode 36 (S3.Ep6): Are We Sluts?
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Are we sluts? No, seriously. We're asking.
Just kiddddddiiinnnggggggg, silly. That's the title of the latest episode we're covering! Join Alec, Kat, and now two-time Carrie On guest Abbie Cobb as they take on this super fun episode - the only episode, in fact, in which an old lady yells "TART!" at Samantha.

Friday Dec 11, 2015
Episode 35 (S3.Ep5): No Ifs, Ands, Or Butts
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Do you have any relationship "deal-breakers?" Do you like puns? Do you like listening to music so good it makes you WEEP? Then you're gonna LOVE this latest episode of Carrie On!
Grab a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery and sit down with Alec, Kat, and second-time guest singer/songwriter/actor/all around amazing guy Joe Gillette for a super fun episode of Carrie On where we FINALLY MEET AIDEN OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD.
Listen to Joe's first episode of Carrie On here.

Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Episode 34 (S3.Ep4): Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
Thursday Oct 15, 2015
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...A BISEXUAL!!! EGADS!
We've come a long way, baby. It's 2015 and (at least in some places) it's okay to be anything you want to be! Gay, asexual, gender fluid...but for Carrie Bradshaw, it's a little too difficult to wrap her head around her boyfriend wrapping his mouth around another boy's head. Penis. Balls.
Join Alec, Kat, and Carrie On fan favorite Daniel Montgomery as they giggle their way through this episode, and please: if Alanis Morissette kisses you, for the love of god, kiss back.

Saturday Sep 26, 2015
Episode 33 (S3.Ep3) Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman
Saturday Sep 26, 2015
Saturday Sep 26, 2015
Look, we think we're really great and all, but we will never be the woman with the perfect hair who can wear white and not spill on it. That woman is shiny hair, style section, Vera Wang, and we're the sex column they run next to ads for penile implants.
Alec and Kat were BLESSED to have actress and all-around GODDESS Devin Kelley join us for this canonical episode of Sex and the City. Devin knows her stuff and we had the best time talking to her about naked houses, steam rooms, and bubbly cocktails. And vibrators. And honestly lots of other stuff.
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Monday Sep 14, 2015
Episode 32 (S3.Ep2) Politically Erect
Monday Sep 14, 2015
Monday Sep 14, 2015
Do you guys hear that? Is it the sound of the newest episode of Carrie On dropping? Or is it just Carrie dribbling a cup of warm tea on Bill Kelly?
Alec and Kat have brought you photographer Ricky Middlesworth for his THIRD visit to the podcast! Listen as we dissect the delicate politics of watersports and marvel as we still have trouble correctly identifying what a Comptroller does.
Check out Episode 16 (They Shoot Single People, Don't They?) and Episode 25 (Games People Play) for Ricky's previous appearances on Carrie On, and check out his two appearances on the DC Movie News Podcast HERE and HERE (these are videos, so you also get to look at Ricky. Yum.).
Watch Kat pee all over herself in Season 2 Episode 1 of Not Looking!
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Follow Ricky on Instagram
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