
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Episode 56 (S4. Ep8) My Motherboard, My Self
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
We'd love to give you a great description for this episode, but we're too busy crying into a pint of Cherry Garcia over My Motherboard, My Self, one of the greatest episodes there is of Sex and the City. Cackle and cry with us (and special guest Matthew Scott Montgomery) as we experience the best this incredible show has to offer.

Thursday May 25, 2017
Episode 55 (S4. Ep7) Time and Punishment
Thursday May 25, 2017
Thursday May 25, 2017
Carrie is happily back with Aidan. What could go wrong? The archaic technology that is the answering machine, that's what! One call from Big mid-coitus is enough to turn Aidan into quite the prickly pear, which is a side of Aidan we don't see often, and let's be honest, it's kind of sexy. While Charlotte is busy "choosing her choice" Miranda throws her neck out, and Samantha fucks some asshole who tells her what to do with her pubes. He's a piece of tepid garbage.
Alec and Kat are once again joined by the WICK-edly talented Adele Dazeem, er, Stephanie Barnes for this episode, and if you think it isn't any good, you have to forgive us. You HAVE to forGIVE us. YOU HAVE TO FORGIVE US, AIDAN.
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Check out Stephanie's website!
And don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes!

Sunday May 07, 2017
Episode 54 (S4. Ep6) Baby, Talk Is Cheap
Sunday May 07, 2017
Sunday May 07, 2017
Do our listener-wisteners want another eppy-weppy of Carrie Onnnnnnnnn? Yick. Now we need a shower. Baby talk is the worst - just ask Samantha-wantha, who in this episode is dealing with a guy who thinks that shit is appropriate in the bedroom.
Speaking of shit in the bedroom, Miranda's training for the marathon, where she meets a guy who likes to pay extra special attention to the place around the corner where her fudge is made. She's not sure if she likes it, but she doesn't want to rule anything out - until he wants her to do it to him! Get ready for some of the best butt acting this side of Miranda's poop chute!
Trey and Charlotte think they're ready for a B-A-B-Y (I mean, they've known each other for 5 minutes, why not?), but a dinner party with some kids who are real assholes gives them food for thought.
Oh, and this episode contains that famous moment where Carrie thinks Aidan can see her through her computer. LOL!
Join Alec, Kat, and the hosts of the HAGS Podcast, Riley Rose Critchlow and Nicole Wyland, for this episode full of cultural appropriation and butt play! It's way too much fun.

Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Episode 53 (S4. Ep5) Ghost Town
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Pa Ping! Hope you don't get easily spooked, cause this episode's got some GHOULS! There's the SPIRIT living above Miranda's apartment... the terrifying, bow-wearing SPECTER they call Bunny... Carrie's GHOST of boyfriends past, and Samantha's... plates (?)
Helping us take on this paranormal activity is Jeni Clark from Strange Los Angeles. Follow her on instagram!
Bustin' makes us (and Trey) feel good!
Make sure to rate and review us on iTunes

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Minisode 5: If SATC were set in 2017...
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
In today's minsode, we talk about what the ladies would be up to if the show were set in 2017. Inspired and pulled from an article written by Maria Baxter below:
Thanks to Sara Schwartz on facebook for the suggestion!
Make sure to rate and review us on iTunes

Monday Apr 10, 2017
Episode 52 (S4. Ep4) What's Sex Got to Do With It?
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Monday Apr 10, 2017
We've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, this episode of Sex and the City is...a bit of a clunker. The good news is, sometimes the worst episodes of SATC make for the best episodes of Carrie On (we're looking at you, The Freak Show)! This go 'round, Kat and Alec are joined by frequent Carrie On guests Daniel Montgomery and Joe Gillette. Together, the gang journeys through an episode where Samantha gets a shot to the face, Trey asks Charlotte to measure his John Thomas, Miranda eats cake out of the garbage, and Carrie just wants a tune she can sing along to...or...something. Ugh, whatever.
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Monday Apr 03, 2017
Minisode 4: Top 10 SATC Cameos!
Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
We've pulled together a list of our top 10 Sex and the City cameos for your listening enjoyment. What did we get right! What are you appalled we left off? Let us know!
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Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Episode 51 (S4.Ep3) Defining Moments
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
Sunday Mar 26, 2017
It's finally time to tackle the topic we've all been avoiding: Open door dumps.
There comes a time in every relationship, whether spoken or unspoken, when a couple sets the ground rules for bathroom intimacy, and in this episode of SATC, Miranda's new beau Doug (Jim Gaffigan) has no problem blowing wet loads right in front of his lady. Meanwhile, Carrie's been hanging out with Big, and is now realizing they may need to start defining what exactly they're doing, Charlotte can't get Trey to stop trying to get into her pants in public, and Samantha can't comprehend an art gallery opening without any hot guys, and in the absence of dick, she decides to give a lesbian relationship a try. Join Alec, Kat, and Abbie Cobb as they discuss all of this and more on our latest episoe of Carrie On!
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Follow Abbie on Instagram and Twitter!

Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Minisode 3: A Shocking SATC Theory That Will Blow Your Mind
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
We're going deep for this minisode - reeeeeeaaaaaally deep. Listen in as Alec and Kat take you through a wild theory about a Sex and the City character that takes us through multiple seasons and both movies. And let us know: do you buy it? Or do you think we're full of funky spunk? Do you have any fan theories of your own you'd like us to read on air? Let us know!
Don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes, and to follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Episode 50 (S4.Ep2) The Real Me
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
Sunday Mar 12, 2017
This is it: the episode you love until that one part and then you're hoping it's going to be different this time OH GOD YOU WANT TO LOOK AWAY BUT YOU JUST CAN'T!!! HELP!!!
Life is full of hard-won lessons, and we all spend some time metaphorically (and sometimes literally) falling on our faces before we finally understand certain fundamental truths about ourselves. This episode of the show is one of the best, because it does such a flawless job of illustrating those tough life moments through our four favorite gals while entertaining us to the hilt in the process.
Join Alec, Kat, and real-life model Stephanie Barnes for this fucking fantastic episode of Sex and the City.
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes!